
24 Belgrave Square (!)

November 12th 1851

Worrying news from Blindingham. It seems that Mrs Everdown went up on Tuesday to request that her dumpling of a daughter be given back her place as laundry maid. As she reached the Hall, she came upon Cook, who had collapsed on the steps. It is a blessing she did, I suppose, for Cook may have lain there a good deal longer had Mrs Everdown not cared about her daughter's lost wages. She managed to find the Gardener and they helped Cook to her quarters. So, it seems that to show gratitude for the saving of Cook's life we have to give up our linen to the mangle. We shall no doubt be sleeping on brown paper when we return.

Boo's baby will be a year old on the 20th of this month. I wonder whether I shall ever join her in the joys of motherhood. Josiah and I have not been blessed - although in truth it is not just blessing that we require in order to produce the heir to Blindingham. I must find a way of persuading him to return home at a more conducive hour in the evenings. What is the point of him spending his days amassing our fortunes if we have no-one to whom we might bequeath them?

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