Truth and reconciliation

My Dearest Boo

Josiah and I are at war. I demanded that the Girl be brought to book for her outrageous behaviour towards you. I told him that I could overlook her being surly and prone to fits of weeping, but could not allow her violence to go unpunished. I was absolutely clear that she was to be dismissed at once and that she and her ridiculous baby could not spend another night at Blindingham Hall.

Well Boo, he went into such a rage I nearly jumped into the fireplace! He said he had never heard such a tale of nonsense and that you must have taken leave of your senses. He said your imagination was best suited to the writing of cheap fiction and that he would not countenance the Girl being sent away from the Hall. I am only glad you were not present to see his fury.

I sent for Villiers to back me up - I know he does not care for the female servants overmuch and was sure he would confirm my position. He seemed quite amused at the situation and spent the entire interview smirking. I am quite disappointed in Villiers, I must say. Since the Ball he has neglected his duties and Cook tells me he spends much of his time corresponding with someone in Scotland. Anyway, he was no use.

I am mortified to have to tell you that no action is to be taken against the Girl at all. I feel such shame that you, my oldest and dearest friend, should have been treated so wretchedly. That my own husband takes the word of a servant over yours is a cause of such grief to me that I am unsure I can remain under this roof as his wife.

Please write and tell me what you wish me to do. I am so convinced of the truth of your account that I am almost prepared to leave Blindingham for ever. I shall, should you wish me to.

Yrs in sorrow


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