
B'Grave Square

January 30th 1852

I thank the Lord for the day Josiah married me! Villiers has swept through these rooms like a whirlwind but still there is no sign of my jewel case. I had wanted to keep this misplacement a secret from Josiah - although I abhor deception of any kind - but when he came home from the Waterhouse's at 10 am this morning he only had to look at my face to see my distress. I threw myself at his feet and promised him that I had not been careless with my jewellery. I wept a few tears as I told him of the quest I had set for Villiers and I promised I would do all I could to recover the case.

To my eternal gratitude, and indeed surprise, I was rewarded with the utmost patience from my darling husband.

He told me he simply knew that the loss of my jewels could not be my fault and that he would not blame me for a moment if they were never to come to light again. How that man tolerates my weakness I do not know. I only know that he does not hold me responsible and that I love him all the more for it.

He did suggest I write to Papa with the news, though. I am reluctant to confess to him that I no longer know the whereabouts of Mama's precious bequest, but Josiah assured me that Papa would not wish me to go abroad with no finery at all about me and that there may be some pieces of Mama's still kept at home. I suppose he may be right. I shall draw up all my courage this evening and ask if Papa can help me in my time of need. How thoughtful my husband is and how blessed I am to be his wife.

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