
June 3rd 1852

Josiah has surprised and impressed me. I mentioned that Cook was in a dreadful position and that I could hardly sleep for my concerns. I was trying to work out how best I could raise the subject of our bringing her here when he announced that he would not stand to see her so cruelly treated and that we should collect her at once! Bless his compassionate heart!

His only condition was that we should employ a nurse to care for her. He seemed confident that a girl from the village would do perfectly well and instructed Villiers to place notices in the little shop and in the Church meeting rooms. How thoughtful he is. We have had a steady stream of applicants over the past two days and once Josiah has made his decision we shall send immediately for Cook. I shall make sure she is cared for until she recovers, or until she is beyond saving, whichever is the sooner. She shall have rooms in the West Wing of the Hall, where she will be able to see the sun from her windows. I am not sure she should walk in the grounds yet - her infirmity means she is given to fits of raving and I should not like visitors to have to see that. I feel quite emotional at the prospect of rewarding her years of service to us!

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