New rooms, old friends

Sydney Walk
October 14th 1852

This London arrival has been quieter than others. Josiah placed the usual announcement in the newspaper but as yet we have had no callers. I wonder whether we are a little too far away from the centre of London? The rooms are not as well appointed as we have been used to, but nobody could know that until they have visited. Villiers is delighted to be here, he says, as there is so much to do in the evenings. He dashes straight out the moment he is off duty but Josiah and I have yet to venture out after dark - the party season is not quite upon us and we have no wish to go walking abroad just for pleasure.

Even Boo has not been here. I called at hers almost the day we set foot in the City and she was welcoming and warm as ever, but when I invited her to bring Little Bradstone to Sydney Walk she was hesitant and soon found something trivial to discuss instead. I must find out why she does not wish to see us here.

In truth, Bradstone is not so little now, he strides about their house with his hands on his hips like a true gentleman and barks his orders at their maid as if he were born to mastery. It is very amusing to witness and has made me see Boo's husband in quite a different light.

Josiah is busy again, investigating some business idea or other with Mr Waterhouse and Mr Price. He said something about a machine which could harness invisible impulses in the air or some such; I was not properly attending when he told me. But it appears that this machine could make it possible for me to speak to Boo without her being in the same house! It all seems like fanciful nonsense to me but it is keeping him occupied and happy, which is more important.

I shall write again to Mrs Doughty to arrange a visit to the Press now that I am back. Josiah is not the only one to be kept busy with new enterprise.

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