
Sydney Walk
December 4th 1852

I have not told Josiah about the incident with Papa yesterday. I am still too ashamed that he was brought to such a dreadful position simply because we are staying here. I want us to find rooms in a better part of London but I am sure Josiah will not countenance such a move. Indeed, if I complain overmuch about spending time here while he is attending to his business interests he will probably tell me to go back to Blindingham.

I do not wish to spend a cold winter in the Hall with only a demented woman for company and the prospect of the occasional visit from an officious neighbour, so I shall have to resign myself to Sydney Walk for the rest of our stay. I must turn my attention to more social and business activity. And, since Boo and Mrs Doughty will not visit me here - and I must say that now I understand their reluctance - I shall visit them!

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