
Blindingham Hall April 6th 1851

We are home. I feel like a visitor here but I am sure it will not be long until I resume my role as Lady of the Hall. I miss my London friends - how grown up that sounds - but I shall ask Josiah to hold a weekend party in the Summer. I shall enjoy showing off my home to them even though it is not in fashion.

Josiah had sent word of our return and Villiers had clearly done his best to whip the staff into shape. The Girl was at the head of the welcome line but at the sight of Josiah she set about weeping and wailing. I had no patience with her and told Villiers she must surely have recovered from being dismissed from London with such haste. I cannot have her dressing me with her wet face and snivelling. Cook seems to think she is driven mad by motherhood. I am inclined to send her away after all, or at least give her baby to someone who is not so silly. I shall speak to Josiah at dinner.

I am glad to have seen no sign of the infant himself, although I understand he can be heard at night. I am not sure I will tolerate that at all.

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